Green Turtle Cove May 2020 Market Report

Green Turtle Cove May 2020 Market Report

There are 3 condos for sale in the Green Turtle Cove condos on Hutchinson Island for May 2020. List prices range from $225,000 up to $278,000. This is an average list price of $246,000 which is $204.32 per sq. ft. of living area.

There are no condos currently under contract in Green Turtle Cove in Jensen Beach.

In the past 12 months, 3 Green Turtle condos have sold.  Sales prices ranged from $204,000 up to $275,000. This equals an average sales price of $231,000 or $184.75 per sq. ft. of living area.  These condos were on the market for an average of 54 days before going under contract. Sales prices averaged 97% of list price.

Click here to view previous Green Turtle Cove market reports!

About Green Turtle Cove on Hutchinson Island:

Green Turtle Cove Condos on Hutchinson Island

The Green Turtle Cove Condominium Complex is located just South of the Jensen Beach Causeway on Hutchinson Island in Martin County Florida.  It lies directly across the street from the public beach in Jensen beach with guarded beaches, a snack bar and beach volleyball courts.  Also, soon to break ground is a new luxury resort to be built on the grounds of the old Holiday Inn, also across the street.

Green Turtle Cove Condos on Hutchinson Island

Green Turtle cove consists of two 40 unit buildings.  The South building was completed in 1973 and the North building shortly after in 1974.  This complex in on the shores of the Indian River (Intracoastal Waterway) and has docks which are available to residents on a first come first served basis for the nominal fee of $25.00 a month.  There’s also a lake on the grounds as well as a swimming pool, vehicle wash area and BBQ stations.

Green Turtle Cove Condos on Hutchinson Island

Each building has secured entry through a lobby and has elevator service to the four stories.  There is reserved parking as well as an ample supply of guest spots.  Each unit is 2 bedroom and 2 bath with 1,204 sq. ft. of living space under air and a generous balcony with views of either the lake, preserve, river and some with peaks of the ocean.

Green Turtle Cove Condos on Hutchinson Island

No pets are permitted in Green Turtle Cove, though there are liberal rental rules allowing part time residents to lower their cost of ownership by leasing out their condo for a few months a year. As of this writing, Condo and management fees are $420 per month (as of December 2016).

Green Turtle Cove Condos on Hutchinson Island

Currently Green Turtle Cove is one of the more affordable condos for those wishing both river and ocean access.  (I’m told there is great fishing right from the private docks.)

More info:
Hutchinson Shores Resort and Spa

Recently (2017), the Hutchinson Shores Resort and Spa has opened across the street (Oceanside). This makes fine dining as well as many amenities available to those who own in Green Turtle Cove.

Search here for Green Turtle Cove Condos for Sale

Links to all Martin County Condos on Hutchinson Island in Stuart and Jensen Beach you may wish to consider:
Angler CoveBeachwood VillasButtonwoodDune CondominiumFairwinds CoveGreen Turtle CoveHutchinson HouseIndian River Plantation CondosIslander 12Jensen Beach ClubLittle Ocean ClubLittle Ocean PlaceMaritimesOcean ViewSailfish PointSandpebbleSeasideSuntide

Recent market reports:

For more Stuart Florida area real estate information contact Nicole Bertke or search for properties at

Please click on this link for the latest market reports for Martin County, Saint Lucie County, and the State of Florida.

Green Turtle Cove May 2020 Market Report

About Gabe Sanders

Stuart Florida real estate agent

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