Ocean Dunes Real Estate Market Report May 2023

Ocean Dunes Real Estate Market Report May 2023

As of May 2023, there is 1 condo available for sale in Ocean Dunes on Hutchinson Island in Jensen Beach FL. The list price is $749,900 which equals $577.73 per sq. ft. of living area.

There are no Ocean Dunes condos currently under contract.

In the past 12 months, there have been 2 Ocean Dunes condo sales. The sales prices were $500,000 and $1,070,000. This works out to an average sales price of $785,000 or $417.42 per sq. ft. of living area. These condos went under contract in an average of 56 days after being listed. And, they sold for an average of 95% of the list price.

Click here for previous Ocean Dunes market reports!

About Ocean Dunes Condos in Jensen Beach FL:

Ocean Dunes condo real estate on Hutchinson Island in Jensen Beach Florida
Google Earth image

Ocean Dunes condos for sale:

Just north of the Jensen Beach Causeway is the very exclusive Ocean Dunes Condo Building.  This 8-story elevator building was built in 1982 and contains only 28 units.  No more than 4 condos per floor with the penthouse having two spacious double-sized units of 2,502 sq. ft. under AC each.  The remaining condos are all 2 bedroom, 2 baths with the corner units having 1,298 sq. ft. of living area and the interior ones having 1,228.

Recent Ocean Dunes condo sales:

Ocean Dunes condo real estate on Hutchinson Island in Jensen Beach Florida

There is ample parking as well as beach access, a private pool and a tennis court.  One small pet is allowed as well as rentals are permitted with some restrictions.  The current condo fees are $530 per month as of December 2016.

Ocean Dunes condo real estate on Hutchinson Island in Jensen Beach Florida
Google Earth image

There is shopping located across the street and it’s only a short drive to downtown Jensen Beach.

Click here to search for available Ocean Dunes Condos for Sale

Search for Ocean Dunes condo real estate on Hutchinson Island in Jensen Beach FL

Additional Jensen Beach Condos on Hutchinson Island in Saint Lucie County you may wish to consider:
AdmiralAtlantisClaridgeDune WalkEmpressIsland Club –  Island CrestIsland DunesIslandiaMiramarMiramar RoyaleOceana NorthOceana OceanfrontOceana SouthOcean TowersOceanrise  – Ocean Bay VillasPrincess –  RegencySand Dollar ShoresSea WindsVilla del Sol

For more Stuart Florida area real estate information contact Nicole Bertke or search for properties at PineappleGroupFL.com

Please click on this link for the latest market reports for Martin County, Saint Lucie County, and the State of Florida.

Ocean Dunes Real Estate Market Report May 2023

About Gabe Sanders

Stuart Florida real estate agent

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