North River Shores Homes in Stuart Florida
The current market activity for North River Shores as of August 30, 2012:
There are currently 28 active listings in North River Shores.
18 homes are under contract (pending sales) Of these, 10 are short sales and 1 Foreclosure.
In the past 12 months, 36 homes have sold in North River Shores at an average of $156.40 per square foot of living area.
The highest priced sale was $1,885,750 and the lowest was $38,300.
North River Shores Homes for Sale in Stuart, Florida
Members of these communities enjoy the benefits of designated park areas as well as the use of the boat ramp at Nosaw Park which accesses the North Fork of the St. Lucie River.There are also some accompanying deed restrictions that enhance and protect the aesthetic nature of this beautiful community.

The North River Shores communities include both waterfront and non-waterfront homes. Waterfront homes may have sweeping miles wide views of the North Fork of the Saint Lucie River or protected canal front homes with deep water dockage. Additionally, North River Shores is a bird and wildlife sanctuary.

This community is blessed with easy access to shopping, the beaches, houses of worship, schools and access to both downtown Stuart and Jensen Beach, yet it maintains a quiet and peacefully neighborhood character. This is a wonderful neighborhood within Martin County’s ‘A’ rated school district.For additional information about North River Shores and/or the surrounding communities, contact Gabe Sanders or of Premier Realty Group.
North River Shores Homes for Sale in Stuart, Florida
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courtesy of:
the Gabe Sanders real estate team
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