Hutchinson House Condos for Sale and Sold Report for January 2014
As of January 2014, there are 6 condos on the market in Hutchinson House on Hutchinson Island in Stuart FL. Listing prices range from $205,000 to $399,000 with an average of $212.75 per sq. ft. of living area.
Two condos are pending and awaiting transfer. List prices were $250,000 and $439,000 for an average of $202.61 per sq. ft. of living area.
There have been 9 condos sold in the past 12 months in Hutchinson House. Sales prices ranged from $190,000 to $400,000 for an average of $200.05 per sq. ft. of living area. There were no distressed properties (short sales or bank owned) in any of the above Hutchinson House condo listings or sales.
Located on Hutchinson Island in uncrowded and unspoiled Martin County, the Hutchinson House Condo complex is an ocean to Intracoastal complex with a variety of styles and views offering wonderful amenities that include ocean access docks, club house, pools, spa/jacuzzi, tennis and a private beach.

The Hutchinson House condos are one of the few condo developments that is pet friendly and allows for up to 2 large pets. For currently available Hutchinson House condos please call or view the search link below.
Search for Hutchinson House Condos for Sale and Sold Report for January 2014
Hutchinson Island Real Estate is presented by:
the Gabe Sanders real estate team
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