Questions to get the Most from Stuart FL Realtor® Interviews

 Questions to get the Most from Stuart FL Realtor® Interviews


Everyone agrees that getting the right Stuart FL Realtor® for your team is vital when you’re buying or selling a home­­. Defining ‘right’ isn’t hard, either: for some of us, that will be a Realtor with the kind of dynamic sales personality that seems to make obstacles just disappear; for others, the ‘right’ Realtor® is the one we just ‘clicked’ with instantly­­—somebody who speaks the same language—is on the same wavelength—who we sense immediately will be someone with whom we can work seamlessly.

Sometimes even veteran homeowners who have bought and sold residences over the years have never had to develop a penetrating interview plan. Their trusted circle of friends may have included a real estate professional, or they may have had a good experience with the Realtor who introduced them to the community. But if that individual is no longer available, it’s going to be necessary to find a suitable replacement.

It all comes down to interviews—and why it’s important to get the most out of them. Personality is a perfectly valid basis for weighing candidates who will be performing the kind of vital­­ service your Stuart Realtor will be called upon to do, but what if there is no single standout candidate in that department? If, after interviewing a host of equally sympathetic candidates, you can’t pare down the field with any degree of confidence­—what then?

You won’t have to flip a coin (or consult a fortune teller!) if you’ve asked each candidate the same group of relevant questions. Some of them will differ depending on whether you are choosing a Realtor to help you buy or sell a property, but these are universally relevant:

  • How long have you been working as a real estate professional? How long here in Martin County?
  • How do you keep your clients informed of progress?
  • What if I need to get in touch with you?
  • What kind of Martin County service providers can you connect your clients with?
  • Will you represent me only, or will you represent both buyer and seller?
  • What kind of team do you work with?
  • What is the proposed fee arrangement?

If you make note of the answers to these and other similar questions, you should emerge with a feeling that you’ve gotten the most from the interview process. Along with the ‘track record’ materials every candidate Realtor will be sure to volunteer, at the end of the day, you’ll have with a solid basis for comparison. I hope you won’t hesitate to include me in your group of candidates!

About Gabe Sanders

Stuart Florida real estate agent

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