Lake Grove March 2018 Market Report
There are currently 3 homes for sale in Lake Grove of Palm City, FL. List prices range from $519,900 up to $620,000. The average list price equals $574,133 which is $194.24 per sq. ft. of living area.
There are 2 homes currently under contract in Lake Grove. List prices were $519,900 and $579,900 for an average list price of $549,900 which works out to $184.37 per sq. ft. of living area. These homes averaged 127 days on the market prior to going under contract.
In the past 12 months, 5 homes have sold in the Lake Grove. Sale prices ranged from $439,990 up to $615,000
with an average sale price of $515,578 or $171.88 per sq. ft. of living area. These homes averaged 92 days on market prior to accepting these sales offers and sold for an average of 95% of the last listed price.
About Lake Grove in Palm City FL:

Located south on Mapp Road in Palm City is the community of Lake Grove which is comprised of 64 homes built around a square shaped lake. Lake Grove lies in a lovely private location will all home sites on at least ½ acre of land.Homes range in sizes from over 4,500 sq. ft. of living space with 5 bedrooms, 4 baths and a three car garage down to just over 2,000 sq. ft. homes with 3 bedrooms and two bathrooms and 2 car garages. As of March 2018, the Lake Grove HOA fees are a very reasonable $275 per quarter.
The common areas include two tennis courts, landscaped common areas and a fishing dock on the lake. There’s also a dedicated trailer/RV/boat parking lot for residents.
Lake Grove children attend ‘A’ rated Martin County Schools and are currently zoned for the Palm City Elementary School, Hidden Oaks Middle School, and Martin County High School. (To search for homes within Martin County school districts visit my school search pages here.)
Click here to see the currently available Lake Grove Homes for Sale
If you like the Lake Grove community, you may also have an interest in its sister community: Orchid Bay.
Click here for the current Orchid Bay Homes for Sale
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