St. Lucie County Single Family Homes 2024 2nd Quarter Report

St. Lucie County Single Family Homes 2024 2nd Quarter Report

Click the image below to view the full details of the St. Lucie County single-family market report data as reported by St. Lucie County Realtor.

St. Lucie County Single Family Homes 2024 2nd Quarter Report

For the 2nd quarter of 2024, the St Lucie County single-family home real estate market continued the trend of reduced sales volume. Prices rose for this quarter, though at a much-reduced rate from previous reports. Inventory is continuing to increase but at a slower rate. Interest rates are still stubbornly high, but should improve closer to the end of the year. For the time being, though, the Saint Lucie County single-family home market remains in a seller’s market.

View the entire set of data at

St. Lucie County Single Family Homes 2024 2nd Quarter Report

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