25th Annual Stuart Florida Dancin’ In The Streets!

25th Annual Stuart Florida Dancin’ In The Streets!

The 25th Annual Stuart Florida Dancin’ In The Streets! gets under way on Saturday, August 25th in downtown Stuart at 6 p.m.    Presented by  Stuart Main Street whose mission is to promote the historic downtown area of Stuart, Florida.

There will be plenty of excitement with music of all genres, along with all the food, beer, wine and spirits one could want.  Admission is $10 for adults with children under 12 admitted for free.

For 2012 the four downtown stages will host the following performances:

Alter Egos – an Eagles trib­ute band

Jimmy Buf­fet trib­ute show Live Bait

Earth­bound Mis­fits, a Pink Floyd trib­ute act

The Led Zep­pelin expe­ri­ence Ram­ble On

Livin’ on a Prayer and Never Stop Believ­ing – Bon Jovi and Jour­ney trib­ute acts

And an Elvis impersonator.

Dancin’ in the streets is sponsored by the Stu­art Main Street organization which is a 501-3 not-for-profit orga­ni­za­tion ded­i­cated to improv­ing the appear­ance and eco­nomic sta­bil­ity of His­toric Down­town Stuart.

Their mis­sion is to cre­ate and mar­ket a pos­i­tive image of His­toric Down­town Stu­art through spe­cial events, retail sales, effec­tive adver­tis­ing and pub­lic rela­tions. They often part­ner with pub­lic, pri­vate sec­tor and com­mu­nity lead­ers to develop and coor­di­nate resources to down­town Stuart’s success.

They spon­sor many pop­u­lar com­mu­nity events, such as:

  • Howard Alan Art Show
  • Spring Craft Festival
  • Star Span­gled Stuart
  • Dancin’ In The Streets
  • Fall Craft Festival
  • Christ­mas on Main Street
  • MusicFest Down­town Stuart

Stuart Main Street is part of the Florida Main Street pro­gram, which is admin­is­tered by the National Main Street Cen­ter of the National Trust for His­toric Preser­va­tion. Florida Main Street’s mis­sion is to pro­vide the tools to Florida Main Street cities to revi­tal­ize their his­toric down­town cen­ters. They use the “Main Street 4-Point Approach,” as a blue­print to work with com­mu­nity lead­ers to bring about many small but pos­i­tive improve­ments. This approach includes pro­mo­tion, design, eco­nomic restruc­tur­ing and organization

About Gabe Sanders

Stuart Florida real estate agent

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