The new and improved housing market: A reason to be thankful

The new and improved housing market: A reason to be thankful

Happy Thanksgiving

As we all know, the holiday of Thanksgiving is the time we take a moment to count our blessings in life; which if we’re fortunate might include our family, our friends, our home, our work, our many and a sundry life blessings…

…and the housing market.

OK, so maybe you don’t spend as much time thinking about and doting on the national housing market as you do your family and friends—or we hope not, at least! Yet you have to admit that this year has witnessed the overall strengthening of the economy and an amazing turnaround in home sales—thus creating an exciting, invigorating new real estate market. Home sales are rising, prices are increasing, and mortgage rates are elevating. And, given this refreshing and encouraging change of circumstance, you yourself may be tempted to put your house up for sale.

Before you jump on the home sales bandwagon, however, pause to ask yourself some important questions first:

1. Are you indeed ready to sell your Stuart FL house? If your residence is still in good condition, still accessible to your workplace and to your children’s school, and still meeting all of your basic needs in terms of shelter and life sustenance, then you may just want to keep on living there—at least for a while.

2. Has the overall strength and solidity of the real estate market translated to your our area? In the past few months, numerous regions across the country have become virtual hot beds for real estate prosperity. From Boulder, Colo., to Bay City, Mich., to Sumter, S.C., more homes are being bought and sold at record rates. Just make sure that this aura and atmosphere of success, opportunity and prosperity has engulfed and encompassed your community. If home sales are slow and the economy weak in your town of residence, then you not wish to plunge headfirst into the local home sales market.

3. Before setting the price of your home, set some realistic expectations first. While home prices are raising, you still want to make sure that you don’t price yourself out of a profitable, top notch home sale. Place a great deal of intensive consideration into your chosen price; and if you happen to need a little help along the way….

4. Call a Realtor. You knew I’d say that, didn’t you? The fact is though that a seasoned professional real estate agent will help you navigate your way through today’s thriving but still complex housing market. Give me a call!

Gabe Sanders
Stuart FL Real Estate

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