The Art of Real Estate Sales

The Art of Real Estate Sales

real estate

So are you what they call an artiste? Someone who has a particular flair for painting a portrait, writing a story, or delivering a stirring performance on a public stage? Well if the answer to any or all of these questions is yes, then let us ask you another question: Could it be that, as an artist, you might just make a really good Realtor?

Your first and very emphatic answer to this question might just be, “No!” The fact remains, however, that ‘artist types’ also can make really good ‘Realtor types.’ And in a vast variety of ways. Still don’t believe us? Well read on….

1. If you can draw a picture, then you can draw a rendering. Many real estate listings come complete with defined, high quality illustrations of the home up for sale. Commonly known as renderings, these miniature works of art can be an essential tool in presenting and—yes—selling a home.

2. If you can write an article, then you can write a real estate blog. As a Realtor you can use your onsite blogging tool to write short pieces about homes you have for sale, as well as about other aspects of and news about your business. In addition, you can pen real estate columns for other websites, and for magazines and newspapers, that will draw attention to you and your business. For while it is true that a picture says a thousand words, a thousand words also can say—well, a thousand words!

3. If you can write product descriptions or descriptive essays, then you can write a real estate listing. A listing basically amounts to an ad for a home, as it describes the house itself and lists particulars regarding its square footage, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, traits and amenities, residential style, etc. If you can ‘write what sells,’ then your writing most definitely can sell a home.

4. If you can snap a high quality photograph, then a model home just might prove to be your ultimate ‘photographer’s model’. And as just about every home listing—whether in print or online—comes complete with a high definition photograph, a Realtor who also happens to be a photographer has two talents going for them—at least!

5. If you can deliver a stirring persuasive monologue on stage, then you also can use your powerful voice and winning demeanor to sell a home. As an actor or actress, chances are that you’ve already developed the oratorical skills to make the winning sales pitch. Olivier would be proud!

So, it this is something you would consider, give me a call and see if joining the Stuart FL real estate team would be the right choice for you.


About Gabe Sanders

Stuart Florida real estate agent

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