Sold!: How to sell your home faster


How to sell your home faster


So you recently put your house on the market, and it’s been generating a great deal of interest—but, as of yet, no offers. You own such a beautiful house that has a great deal to offer; so why on earth aren’t people just swooping in to grab up your dream home?

Well, try not to take it personally. Please remember that the process of marketing and selling a home is a difficult and time-consuming one. A house is a costly investment, and it is only natural that a buyer would take their time in choosing their next long term residence.

Yet if you nonetheless feel that it is taking you far too long to ‘unload your lodge,’ then you may want to take one or more of the following proactive steps in order to secure a timely—not to mention quality—home sale.

1. Consult with your real estate agent. Your Realtor is supposed to be your friend and partner in selling your home; not to mention a skilled professional who knows his/her trade. So be sure to consult your agent with any questions or concerns you might have regarding the sale of your home—up to and including why this particular process is taking so blasted long!

2. Take a good look at your home. Is your house the very best it can be? Is it neat, clean, presentable, and presented to best effect? If you do indeed see ‘room for improvement’ in any or all of your rooms—or, for that matter, on the exterior of your residence—then you might want to take some hasty steps in the area of home improvement. A professional cleaning job or a fresh coat of paint could be all that separates you from a top notch, quickly attained home sale.

3. Host frequent open houses. A well-advertised open house is a surefire way to attract large groups of potential buyers into your home at once; thus naturally multiplying the chances that you will be able to sell your home faster, and for the best, most competitive price.

4. Advertise, advertise, advertise! And then, if there’s any time left over, you might just want to advertise. With the aid of your real estate agent, you can promote your home on various social media platforms, in local newspapers, through bold and prominently placed yard signs, and through various real estate websites.

5. Be patient. We know it’s tough, but no worries; you’ll be posting that “Sold” sign in no time!


About Gabe Sanders

Stuart Florida real estate agent

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