Life’s a Beach: The search for the ultimate beach house

Life’s a Beach:

The search for the ultimate beach house


As winter is upon us, you may be in search of those amazing seasonal experiences that come with the most beautiful, festive time of the year for those of us lucky to be in South Florida. You may be out to achieve and experience the perfect vacation, the perfect outdoor adventure, and—if you happen to be a surfer, a swimmer, or just an admirer of scenic settings—the perfect wave.

And, while some people might want to experience the this season in the idyllic setting of a hotel, resort, motel or inn, others might choose to rent or buy a vacation house for the season. And during the freezing months of December, January, and February, a beach house stands as the singular embodiment of the ultimate dream home.

What better way to access the perfect vacation, wave or outdoor adventure than via a house on the sand; one that offers spectacular views, easy access to beaches and waterways (obviously:), and all of the comfort and beauty that one can expect from the ultimate beach house?

Yet if do truly want to achieve the perfect beach house experience, it does always help to find the perfect beach house (again, obviously:); so with that in mind, here are some surefire tips and suggestions for those seeking the idyllic ‘place on the beach.’

1. Find a home on the beach. OK, before you click off of this blog in a total fit of disgust, please hear us out. While many residential structures are available for sale on and around beachfront areas, they may not fit your needs and requirements for the ideal beach house. That is why it is best for you to decide, first and foremost, what specific type of beach house would constitute a true summer home. Would you favor a romantic cottage for two or a huge, expansive party house that will fit your entire friendship circle or social group? Or would you simply favor a single family residence that just happens to be located somewhere near a beach?

2. Find a beach house that will truly offer you the total seasonal experience. Aside from supplying easy access to a tropical waterfront mecca that will offer any number of seaborne adventures, your beachfront vacation home should itself offer an array of ‘fun facilitating’ and ‘party ready’ features, ranging from swimming pools to sprawling decks and patios that double as the sites of socials, soirees, pool parties and barbecues.

3. Find a beach house that will withstand the elements. Some tropical and water-bordered areas tend to be particularly susceptible to hurricanes, tidal waves, seasonal storms, typhoons, and other weather-related phenomena. So be sure that your residential structure comes complete with a strong roof, sealed windows and doors, functioning utilities, and spaces that could be used as storm shelters. Some winter beach houses also come complete with stilts, to help brace them against the elements—while also providing an aerial view of the beach you so adore. Get back to the beach house this season!


About Gabe Sanders

Stuart Florida real estate agent

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