Group One Mortgage in Jupiter, Florida – Claudine Porikos

Group One Mortgage in Jupiter, Florida – Claudine Porikos

With this difficult real estate lending market it’s highly unusual to find a dedicated team of professionals that can do miracles.  Claudine Porikos and her team have saved numerous sales for us when others simply just couldn’t do it.  If you need help in a difficult financial situation call Claudine.  Here is what she has to say:
Excellence of service with Claudine Porikos and Group One Mortgage…
I have been in the Mortgage Industry for seven years and pride myself on providing excellent service. I believe there are several ways that I accomplish this goal:
Product knowledge

Doing what is best for you!!
I am by your side throughout the entire process, beginning to end. Our staff and I look forward to making this the best experience you will ever have and we will remain your mortgage source for life.
I have been a Jupiter resident for over 30 years. I attended Jupiter Elementary, Middle, and High school. I then went on to graduate from Florida Atlantic University with a Degree in Marketing. Now, I am a wife and mother working and residing here in Jupiter.
I love what I do because nothing makes me happier than successfully helping others fulfill their dreams.

Group One Mortgage in Jupiter, Florida – Claudine Porikos


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Gabe Sanders

For more information, visit our website or call us at (772) 888-2885.

About Gabe Sanders

Stuart Florida real estate agent

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