Martin County Single Family Homes October 2016 Market Detail

Martin County Single Family Homes October 2016 Market Detail

The Martin County Single Family Homes Market Detail for October 2016 continues to show reduced sales volume when compared to last years figures, yet don’t mistake this as a weak market, as it remains quite robust.  Closed sales were down by 10.7% (was down by 9.2% in September). New pending sales decreased by 0.6% as compared to October of 2015 (Decreased by 1.6% in September).

For October there were mixed signals about prices with the median sales price rising by 0.9% from last year (up by 12.4% in September) while the average price decreased by 12.1% (was down by 8.1% last month).   Typically this is a result of higher prices in the lower valued range of home sales and fewer sales in the luxury market.

The inventory of available single family homes increased from last month by 19 homes to 1004 units for October,  this is 3.9% greater than last October.  Current supply of homes is 5.1 months, for October of last year it was a 4.6 months supply. (This is a 10.9% increase from last year).  Still a sellers market for Martin County single family home sales.  A balanced market favoring neither buyers or sellers is considered to be one with a 6 to 7 month supply of inventory.

Martin County Single Family Homes October 2016 Market Detail

Click here to view or download the full report:
Martin County Single Family Homes October 2016 Market Detail

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

Martin County Single Family Homes October 2016 Market Detail

Florida Single Family Homes October 2016 Market Detail

Florida Single Family Homes October 2016 Market Detail

The Florida Single Family Homes Market Detail for October 2016 showed weaker sales activity from last year.  Closed sales were down by 5.3% (was down by 0.5% in September) and new sales under contract (new pending sales) were down by 7.1% (was down by 4.8% in September).

Both the median and average sales prices, though, continue to rise from October 2015 to October 2016.  Up by 11.7% and 6.4% respectively, compared to September’s 11.3% and 6.8%.  I continue to predict the rate of price increases to moderate in the near future if sales continue to slow and  this should also result in a rise of inventory.

The inventory of available homes for sale fell by 3.2% from last year.  For October there was only a 4.2 months supply of inventory as Florida remains in a sellers market with the advantage for sellers. (October of 2015 had a 4.3 month supply)  A balanced market favoring neither buyers or sellers is considered to be one with a 6 to 7 month supply of inventory.

Florida Single Family Homes October 2016 Market Detail

Click here to view or download the full report:

Florida Single Family Homes October 2016 Market Detail

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

Florida Single Family Homes October 2016 Market Detail

September 2016 Monthly Market Detail St Lucie County Single Family Homes

September 2016 Monthly Market Detail St Lucie County Single Family Homes

September 2016 Monthly Market Detail St Lucie County Single Family Homes showed reduced sales activity from last September.  Closed sales were down by 6.6% (in August they were up by 8.3%) and new sales under contract (new pending sales) decreased by 11.5% (they were down by 15.1% last month).

Prices, however, continue their upward march at strong rates.  The median and average sales prices up by 10.0% and 10.6% respectively from last September (For August these numbers were 18.7% and 20.2%).  While these are very good results for sellers, they make me a little nervous as rates of increase this high may result in lower affordability of homes and subsequently less sales in the future.

Active listings increased by 57 homes to 1,671 homes.  This inventory is 11.0% higher than last year.  The current supply of homes is at 3.7 months (3.3 months for September of 2015)  This is 12.1% greater than last year.  The St Lucie County single family home market remains in a very strong sellers market.  A balanced market is one with a 6 to 7 month supply of inventory.

September 2016 Monthly Market Detail St Lucie County Single Family Homes

Click here to view or download the full report:
September 2016 Monthly Market Detail St Lucie County Single Family Homes

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

September 2016 Monthly Market Detail St Lucie County Single Family Homes

September 2016 Monthly Market Detail Martin County Single Family Homes

September 2016 Monthly Market Detail Martin County Single Family Homes

The September 2016 Monthly Market Detail Martin County Single Family Homes continues to show reduced sales volume when compared to last years figures, yet remains a strong market.  Closed sales were down by 9.2% (was down by 9.1% in August). New pending sales decreased by 1.6% as compared to September of 2015 (Decreased by 7.8% in August).

For September there were mixed signals about prices with the median sales price rising by 12.4% from last year (up by 0.5% in August) while the average price decreased by 8.1% (was up by 2.2% last month).   Typically this is a result of higher prices in the lower valued range of home sales and fewer sales in the luxury market.

The inventory of available single family homes decreased from last month by 14 homes to 985 units for September,  this is 8.7% greater than last September.  Current supply of homes is 5.0 months, for September of last year it was a 4.3 months supply. (This is a 16.3% increase from last year).  Still a sellers market for Martin County single family home sales.  A balanced market favoring neither buyers or sellers is considered to be one with a 6 to 7 month supply of inventory.

September 2016 Monthly Market Detail Martin County Single Family Homes

Click here to view or download the full report:
September 2016 Monthly Market Detail Martin County Single Family Homes

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

September 2016 Monthly Market Detail Martin County Single Family Homes

September 2016 Monthly Market Detail Florida Single Family Homes

September 2016 Monthly Market Detail Florida Single Family Homes

The September 2016 Monthly Market Detail Florida Single Family Homes showed slightly weaker sales activity from last year.  Closed sales were down by 0.5% (was up by 8.2% in August) and new sales under contract (new pending sales) were down by 4.8% (was down by 1.1% in August).

Both the median and average sales prices, though, continue to rise from September 2015 to September 2016.  Up by 11.3% and 6.8% respectively, compared to August’s 12.6% and 9.3%.  I expect the rate of price increases to moderate of sales continue to slow and if inventory begins to rise.

The inventory of available homes for sale fell by 1.6% from last year.  For September there was only a 4.2 months supply of inventory as Florida remains in a sellers market with the advantage for sellers. (September of 2015 had a 4.3 month supply)  A balanced market favoring neither buyers or sellers is considered to be one with a 6 to 7 month supply of inventory.

September 2016 Monthly Market Detail Florida Single Family Homes

Click here to view or download the full report:

September 2016 Monthly Market Detail Florida Single Family Homes

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

September 2016 Monthly Market Detail Florida Single Family Homes

August 2016 Monthly Market Detail St Lucie County Single Family Homes

August 2016 Monthly Market Detail St Lucie County Single Family Homes

August 2016 Monthly Market Detail St Lucie County Single Family Homes showed some improvement in closed sales from last month and last year while new pending sales are still down from last year.  Closed sales were up by 8.3% (in July they were down by 9.0%) and new sales under contract (new pending sales) decreased by 15.1% (they were down by 10.0% last month).

Though, prices continue their upward march at very strong rates.  The median and average sales prices up by 18.7% and 20.2% respectively from last August (For July these numbers were 13.0% and 15.2%).  While these are very good results for sellers, they make me a little nervous as rates of increase this high may result in lower affordability of homes and subsequently less sales in the future.

Active listings increased by 137 homes to 1,614 homes.  This inventory is 9.6% higher than last year.  The current supply of homes is at 3.6 months (3.3 months for August of 2015). The St Lucie County single family home market remains in a very strong sellers market.  A balanced market is one with a 6 to 7 month supply of inventory.

August 2016 Monthly Market Detail St Lucie County Single Family Homes

Click here to view or download the full report:
August 2016 Monthly Market Detail St Lucie County Single Family Homes

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

August 2016 Monthly Market Detail St Lucie County Single Family Homes

August 2016 Monthly Market Detail Martin County Single Family Homes

August 2016 Monthly Market Detail Martin County Single Family Homes

The August 2016 Monthly Market Detail Martin County Single Family Homes continues to show reduced sales volume when compared to last years figures, yet remains a strong market.  Closed sales were down by 9.1% (was down by 9.5% in July). New pending sales decreased by 7.8% as compared to August of 2015 (Decreased by 22.3% in July).

Both median and average sales prices moderated for August.  The median sales price was down by 0.5% from last year (up by 6.1% in July) while the average price increased by 2.2% (was up by 13.8% last month).  As I’ve mentioned in my earlier market reports, this reduction in price increases was expected as the inventory increased.  (Basic laws of supply and demand.)

The inventory of available single family homes increased from last month by 12 homes to 999 units for August,  this is 13.7% greater than last August.  Current supply of homes is 5.0 months, for August of last year it was a 4.2 months supply. (This is a 19.0% increase from last year).  Still a sellers market for Martin County single family home sales.  A balanced market favoring neither buyers or sellers is considered to be one with a 6 to 7 month supply of inventory.

August 2016 Monthly Market Detail Martin County Single Family Homes

Click here to view or download the full report:
August 2016 Monthly Market Detail Martin County Single Family Homes

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

August 2016 Monthly Market Detail Martin County Single Family Homes

August 2016 Monthly Market Detail Florida Single Family Homes

August 2016 Monthly Market Detail Florida Single Family Homes

The August 2016 Monthly Market Detail Florida Single Family Homes rebounded a bit from last month.  Closed sales were up by 8.2% (was down by 8.0% in July) and new sales under contract (new pending sales) were down by 1.1% (was down by 9.6% in July).

Both median and average sales prices continue to rise ( August 2015 to August 2016) by 12.6% and 9.3% respectively, compared to July’s 11.6% and 8.0%.  These price rises continue to be a bit to high to be sustainable for a long period of time.

The inventory of available homes for sale fell by 1.8% from last year.  If prices continue to rise rapidly, I expect the inventory to expand in the future.  For August there was only a 4.2 months supply of inventory as Florida remains in a sellers market with the advantage for sellers. (August of 2015 had a 4.4 month supply)  A balanced market favoring neither buyers or sellers is considered to be one with a 6 to 7 month supply of inventory.

August 2016 Monthly Market Detail Florida Single Family Homes

Click here to view or download the full report:

August 2016 Monthly Market Detail Florida Single Family Homes

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

August 2016 Monthly Market Detail Florida Single Family Homes

July 2016 Monthly Market Detail St Lucie County Single Family Homes

July 2016 Monthly Market Detail St Lucie County Single Family Homes

July 2016 Monthly Market Detail St Lucie County Single Family Homes showed reduced sales volume as compared to last year much like it’s neighboring counties and the state of Florida.  Closed sales were down by 9.0% (in June they were up by 8.9%) and new sales under contract (new pending sales) decreased by 10.0% (they were up by 2.2% last month).

Though, prices continue their upward march at some pretty impressive numbers.  The median and average sales prices up by 13.0% and 15.2% respectively from last July (For June these numbers were 12.8% and 19.2%).

Active listings fell by 39 homes to 1,477 homes.  This inventory is 2.3% less than last year.  The current supply of homes is at 3.3 months (the same as last year). The St Lucie County single family home market remains in a very strong sellers market.  A balanced market is one with a 6 to 7 month supply of inventory.

July 2016 Monthly Market Detail St Lucie County Single Family Homes

Click here to view or download the full report:
July 2016 Monthly Market Detail St Lucie County Single Family Homes

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

July 2016 Monthly Market Detail St Lucie County Single Family Homes

July 2016 Monthly Market Detail Martin County Single Family Homes

July 2016 Monthly Market Detail Martin County Single Family Homes

The July 2016 Monthly Market Detail Martin County Single Family Homes continues to show reduced sales volume when compared to last years figures, yet this is still a very active market.  Closed sales were down by 9.5% (was down by 10.0% in June). New pending sales decreased by 22.3% as compared to July of 2015 (Decreased by 17.5% in June).

Both median and average sales prices continue with strong gains.  The median sales price was up by 6.1% from last year (up by 15.9% in June) while the average price increased by 13.8% (was up by 9.2% last month).  If inventory levels continue to increase and sales volume continues to decrease I expect the rate of price appreciation to decrease.

The inventory of available single family homes decreased from last month by 1 homes to 987 units for July,  this is 8.5% greater than last July.  Current supply of homes is 4.9 months, for July of last year it was a 4.3 months supply. (This is a 14.0% increase from last year).  Still a sellers market for Martin County single family home sales.  A balanced market favoring neither buyers or sellers is considered to be one with a 6 to 7 month supply of inventory.

July 2016 Monthly Market Detail Martin County Single Family Homes

Click here to view or download the full report:
July 2016 Monthly Market Detail Martin County Single Family Homes

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

July 2016 Monthly Market Detail Martin County Single Family Homes

July 2016 Monthly Market Detail Florida Single Family Homes

July 2016 Monthly Market Detail Florida Single Family Homes

The July 2016 Monthly Market Detail Florida Single Family Homes had a reduced volume of sales when compared to last July, while prices continue to rise.  Closed sales were down by 8.0% (was up by 0.4% in June) and new sales under contract (new pending sales) were down by 9.6% (was down by 7.7% in June).

Both median and average sales prices continue to rise ( July 2015 to July 2016) by 11.6% and 8.0% respectively, compared to June’s 10.8% and 6.8%.  If the reduced volume of sales continue, I expect that these price rises will moderate considerably and possibly even retreat by next year at this time.

The inventory of available homes for sale fell by 3.3% from last year.  This is another trend that I think may reverse in the near future as more homes may come on the market while fewer sell.  For July there was only a 4.3 months supply of inventory as Florida remains in a sellers market with the advantage for sellers. (July of 2015 had a 4.4 month supply)  A balanced market favoring neither buyers or sellers is considered to be one with a 6 to 7 month supply of inventory.

July 2016 Monthly Market Detail Florida Single Family Homes

Click here to view or download the full report:

July 2016 Monthly Market Detail Florida Single Family Homes

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

July 2016 Monthly Market Detail Florida Single Family Homes

June 2016 Monthly Market Detail St Lucie County Single Family Homes

June 2016 Monthly Market Detail St Lucie County Single Family Homes

June 2016 Monthly Market Detail St Lucie County Single Family Homes is bucking the trend from the rest of Florida and it’s neighbor to the south with continued increased activity as compared to last year.  Closed sales were up by 8.9% (in May they were up by 11.2%) and new sales under contract (new pending sales) increased by 2.2% (they were up by 7.7% last month).

The prices for June are continuing with strong appreciation as well.  Both the median and average sales prices up by 12.8% and 19.2% respectively from last June (For May these numbers were 15.6% and 15.2%).

Active listings fell by 112 homes to 1,516 homes.  This inventory is still 1.7% greater than last year.  The current supply of homes is at 3.4 months (an 6.2% increase from last year). The St Lucie County single family home market remains in a hot sellers market.

June 2016 Monthly Market Detail St Lucie County Single Family Homes

Click here to view or download the full report:
June 2016 Monthly Market Detail St Lucie County Single Family Homes

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

June 2016 Monthly Market Detail St Lucie County Single Family Homes

June 2016 Monthly Market Detail Martin County Single Family Homes

June 2016 Monthly Market Detail Martin County Single Family Homes

The June 2016 Monthly Market Detail Martin County Single Family Homes showed a marked decrease from lasy years activity, yet still a strong and active market.  Closed sales were down by 10.0% (was down by 2.8% in May). New pending sales decreased by 17.5% as compared to June of 2015 (Decreased by 14.7% in May).

Prices, however, continued their rise as the median sales price was up by 15.9% from last year (up by 15.8% in May) while the average price increased by 9.2% (was down by 3% last month).  I expect that prices will moderate to a much smaller rate of increase in the coming year.

The inventory of available single family homes decreased from last month by 66 homes to 988 units for this month,  this is 8.8% greater than last June.  Current supply of homes is 4.9 months, for June of last year it was a 4.4 months supply. (This is a 11.4% increase from last year).  Still a sellers market for Martin County single family home sales.

June 2016 Monthly Market Detail Martin County Single Family Homes

Click here to view or download the full report:
June 2016 Monthly Market Detail Martin County Single Family Homes

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

June 2016 Monthly Market Detail Martin County Single Family Homes

June 2016 Monthly Market Detail Florida Single Family Homes

June 2016 Monthly Market Detail Florida Single Family Homes

The June 2016 Monthly Market Detail Florida Single Family Homes continues to be a strong market but activity is easing a bit from previous months.  Closed sales were up by 0.4% (was up by 4.5% in May) and new sales under contract (new pending sales) were down by 7.7% (was down by 2.7% in May).

Both median and average sales prices continue to rise ( June 2015 to June 2016) by 10.8% and 6.8% respectively, compared to May’s 10.5% and 4.2%.  These strong price gains will end up having an impact on future activity as many homes are now becoming much too pricey for the average buyer.

The inventory of available homes for sale fell by 2.8% from last year.  Higher demand areas of Florida have seen decreasing inventory for more than three years now.  For June there was only a 4.3 months supply of inventory as Florida remains in a sellers market with the advantage for sellers. (June of 2015 had a 4.6 month supply)  A balanced market favoring neither buyers or sellers is considered to be one with a 6 to 7 month supply of inventory.

June 2016 Monthly Market Detail Florida Single Family Homes

Click here to view or download the full report:

June 2016 Monthly Market Detail Florida Single Family Homes

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

June 2016 Monthly Market Detail Florida Single Family Homes

May 2016 Monthly Market Detail St Lucie County Single Family Homes

May 2016 Monthly Market Detail St Lucie County Single Family Homes

May 2016 Monthly Market Detail St Lucie County Single Family Homes is bucking the trend from the rest of Florida amd it’s neighbor to the south with strong increases in activity as compared to last year.  Closed sales were up by 11.2% (in April they were down by 3.0%) and new sales under contract (new pending sales) increased by 7.7% (they were up by 7.6% last month).

And along with increased sales prices are also continuing to go higher for May.  Both the median and average sales prices up by 15.6% and 15.2% respectively from last May (For April these numbers were 12.9% and 15.5%).

Active listings fell by 91 homes to 1,628 homes.  This inventory is 6.3% greater than last year.  The current supply of homes is at 3.6 months (an 9.1% increase from last year). The St Lucie County single family home market remains in a hot sellers market.

May 2016 Monthly Market Detail St Lucie County Single Family Homes

Click here to view or download the full report:
May 2016 Monthly Market Detail St Lucie County Single Family Homes

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

May 2016 Monthly Market Detail St Lucie County Single Family Homes

May 2016 Monthly Market Detail Martin County Single Family Homes

May 2016 Monthly Market Detail Martin County Single Family Homes

The May 2016 Monthly Market Detail Martin County Single Family Homes had reduced closed and pending volume when compared to last year.  Closed sales were down by 2.8% (was down by 4.3% in April). New pending sales decreased by 14.7% as compared to May of 2015 (Decreased by 0.3% in April).

Mixed signals with prices as the median sales price was up by 15.8% from last year (up by 6.7% in April) while the average price decreased by 3% (was up by 22.6% last month).  I expect that prices will moderate to a much smaller rate of increase in the coming year.

The inventory of available single family homes increased from last month by 14 homes to 1,054 units for this month,  this is 6.8% greater than last May.  Current supply of homes is 5.1 months, for May of last year it was a 4.9 months supply. (This is a 4.1% increase from last year).  Still a sellers market for Martin County single family home sales.

May 2016 Monthly Market Detail Martin County Single Family Homes

Click here to view or download the full report:
May 2016 Monthly Market Detail Martin County Single Family Homes

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

May 2016 Monthly Market Detail Martin County Single Family Homes

May 2016 Monthly Market Detail Florida Single Family Homes

May 2016 Monthly Market Detail Florida Single Family Homes

The May 2016 Monthly Market Detail Florida Single Family Homes remains quite active, but showing some signs of stress as the inventory remains low and the values continue to rise.  Closed sales were up by 4.5% (was down by 0.6% in April) and new sales under contract (new pending sales) were down by 2.7% (was down by 4.2% in April).

Both median and average sales prices continue to rise ( May 2015 to May 2016) by 10.5% and 4.2% respectively, compared to April’s 9.2% and 3.8%.  Sooner or later these strong price gains will have a negative effect on sales and I expect this rise to slowdown in the near future.

The inventory of available homes for sale fell by 2.5% from last year.  Higher demand areas of Florida have seen decreasing inventory for more than three years now.  For May there was only a 4.4 months supply of inventory as Florida remains in a sellers market with the advantage for sellers. (May of 2015 had a 4.7 month supply)  A balanced market favoring neither buyers or sellers is considered to be one with a 6 to 7 month supply of inventory.

May 2016 Monthly Market Detail Florida Single Family Homes

Click here to view or download the full report:

May 2016 Monthly Market Detail Florida Single Family Homes

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

May 2016 Monthly Market Detail Florida Single Family Homes

April 2016 Monthly Market Detail St Lucie County Single Family Homes

April 2016 Monthly Market Detail St Lucie County Single Family Homes

April 2016 Monthly Market Detail St Lucie County Single Family Homes continues to show a slightly weaker volume in closed sales and increased pending sales activity from last year.  Yet, this is still a very strong market.  Closed sales were down by 3.0% (in March they were up by 0.2%) and new sales under contract (new pending sales) increased by 7.6% (they were down by 4.7% last month).

And the prices continue their upward march.  Both the median and average sales prices up by 12.9% and 15.5% respectively from last April (For March these numbers were 19.4% and 16.2%).

Active listings fell by 103 homes to 1,719 homes.  This inventory is 11.2% greater than last year.  The current supply of homes is at 3.9 months (an 18.2% increase from last year). The St Lucie County single family home market remains in a strong sellers market, though not quite as super-heated as last year.

April 2016 Monthly Market Detail St Lucie County Single Family Homes

Click here to view or download the full report:
April 2016 Monthly Market Detail St Lucie County Single Family Homes

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

April 2016 Monthly Market Detail St Lucie County Single Family Homes

April 2016 Monthly Market Detail Martin County Single Family Homes

April 2016 Monthly Market Detail Martin County Single Family Homes

The April 2016 Monthly Market Detail Martin County Single Family Homes showed lower closed sales from last years numbers and a continued decrease in inventory.  Year to year closed sales were down by 4.3% (was up 3.4% in March). New pending sales decreased by 0.3% as compared to April of 2015 (Decreased by 0.8% in March).

And prices continue to rise as the median sales price was up by 6.7% from last year (up by 17.1% in March) while the average price increased by 22.6% (was up by 15.3% last month).  Price increases of this magnitude are probably unsustainable and I don’t anticipate them going up like this for much longer.

The inventory of available single family homes decreased from last month by 60 homes to 1,040 units for this month,  this is 1.5% less than last April.  Current supply of homes is 5.1 months, for April of last year it was a 5.3 months supply. (This is a 3.8% decrease from last year).  Still a sellers market for Martin County single family home sales.

April 2016 Monthly Market Detail Martin County Single Family Homes

Click here to view or download the full report:
April 2016 Monthly Market Detail Martin County Single Family Homes

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

April 2016 Monthly Market Detail Martin County Single Family Homes

April 2016 Monthly Market Detail Florida Single Family Homes

April 2016 Monthly Market Detail Florida Single Family Homes

The April 2016 Monthly Market Detail Florida Single Family Homes shows continued strong activity but less robust than last year primarily because of reduced inventory and strong price increases.  Closed sales were down by 0.6% (was also down by 0.6% in March) and new sales under contract (new pending sales) were down by 4.2% (was down by 6.3% in March).

Both median and average sales prices continue to rise ( April 2015 to April 2016) by 9.2% and 3.8% respectively, compared to March’s 10.3% and 4.9%.  These year to year price increases remain very strong, and in my opinion, unsustainable for the long run.  But, for now, these increases show no signs of abating.

The inventory of available homes for sale fell by 23% from last year.  Higher demand areas of Florida have seen decreasing inventory for more than three years now.  For April there was only a 4.5 months supply of inventory as Florida remains in a sellers market with the advantage for sellers. (April of 2015 had a 4.8 month supply)  A balanced market favoring neither buyers or sellers is considered to be one with a 6 to 7 month supply of inventory.

April 2016 Monthly Market Detail Florida Single Family Homes

Click here to view or download the full report:

April 2016 Monthly Market Detail Florida Single Family Homes

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

April 2016 Monthly Market Detail Florida Single Family Homes