Florida Single Family Homes May 2017 Market Detail

Florida Single Family Homes May 2017 Market Detail

The Florida Single Family Homes Market Detail for May 2017 had continued growth when compared to last May.  Closed sales were up by 7.6% (were down by 1.2% in April) and new sales under contract (new pending sales) were up by 5.0% (were down by 4.4% in April).

Both the median and average sales prices continued to rise when compared to last year.  Up by 7.7% and 8.3% respectively, compared to April’s 10.3% and 8.3%.

The inventory of available homes for sale fell by 4.5% from last year.  For May there was a 4.0 months supply of inventory as Florida remains in a sellers’ market with the advantage for sellers. (May of 2016 had a 4.3 month supply)  A balanced market favoring neither buyers or sellers is considered to be one with a 6 to 7 month supply of inventory.  Inventory is once again decreasing which continues to put pressure on rising prices and sales.

Florida Single Family Homes May 2017 Market Detail

Click here to view or download the full report:

Florida Single Family Homes May 2017 Market Detail

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit GabeSanders.com and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

Florida Single Family Homes May 2017 Market Detail

St Lucie County Single Family Homes April 2017 Market Detail

St Lucie County Single Family Homes April 2017 Market Detail

St Lucie County Single Family Homes Market Detail for April 2017showed weaker sales activity when compared to last April. Closed sales were down by 0.6% (in March they were up by 11.6%) and new sales under contract (new pending sales) decreased by 5.5% (they were up by 4.4% last month).

Prices, however, continue to show increases.  The median and average sales prices up by 14.3% and 7.0% respectively from last April (For March these numbers were up 15.7% and 14.9%).  I expect the rate of price increases to moderate some in the future, possibly even dip slightly.

Active listings decreased by 90 homes down to 1,650 homes.  This inventory is 3.4% lower than last year.  The current supply of homes is at 3.7 months (was 3.9 months for March)  This is 5.1% lower than last year.  The St Lucie County single family home market remains a strong sellers’ market.  A balanced market is one with a 6 to 7 month supply of inventory.

St Lucie County Single Family Homes April 2017 Market Detail

Click here to view or download the full report:
St Lucie County Single Family Homes April 2017 Market Detail

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit GabeSanders.com and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

St Lucie County Single Family Homes April 2017 Market Detail

Martin County Single Family Homes April 2017 Market Detail

Martin County Single Family Homes April 2017 Market Detail

The Martin County Single Family Homes Market Detail for April 2017 showed weaker sales activity when compared to last April.  Closed sales were down by 2.3% (was up by 11.3% in March). New pending sales decreased by 18.2% as compared to April of 2016 (Decreased by 3.3% in March).

Prices continued to increase though at a much slower rate with the median sales price up by 2.8% from last year (up by 8.7% in March) while the average price increased by 0.8% (was up by 8.0% last month).

The inventory of available single family homes decreased from last month by 49 homes to 1,045 units for April,  this is still 4.2% greater than last April.  The current supply of homes is 5.2 months, for April of last year it was a 4.9 months supply. (This is a 6.1% increase from last year).  Still a sellers’ market for Martin County single family home sales.  A balanced market favoring neither buyers or sellers is considered to be one with a 6 to 7 month supply of inventory.

Martin County Single Family Homes April 2017 Market Detail

Click here to view or download the full report:
Martin County Single Family Homes April 2017 Market Detail

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit GabeSanders.com and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

Martin County Single Family Homes April 2017 Market Detail

Florida Single Family Homes April 2017 Market Detail

Florida Single Family Homes April 2017 Market Detail

The Florida Single Family Homes Market Detail for April 2017 showed weaker sales activity when compared to last April.  Closed sales were down by 1.2% (were up by 9.3% in March) and new sales under contract (new pending sales) were down by 4.4% (were up by 3.6% in March).

However, both the median and average sales prices continued to rise when compared to last year.  Up by 10.3% and 8.3% respectively, compared to March’s 10.4% and 11.3%.

The inventory of available homes for sale fell by 5.2% from last year.  For April there was a 4.0 months supply of inventory as Florida remains in a sellers’ market with the advantage for sellers. (April of 2016 had a 4.3 month supply)  A balanced market favoring neither buyers or sellers is considered to be one with a 6 to 7 month supply of inventory.  Inventory is once again decreasing which continues to put pressure on rising prices and sales.

Florida Single Family Homes April 2017 Market Deta

Click here to view or download the full report:

Florida Single Family Homes April 2017 Market Detail

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit GabeSanders.com and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

Florida Single Family Homes April 2017 Market Detail

St Lucie County Single Family Homes March 2017 Market Detail

St Lucie County Single Family Homes March 2017 Market Detail

St Lucie County Single Family Homes Market Detail for March 2017 showed improved activity for the month.  Closed sales were up by 11.6% (in February they were up by 5.1%) and new sales under contract (new pending sales) increased by 4.4% (they were down by 0.5% last month).

Prices continue to show very strong increases.  The median and average sales prices up by 15.7% and 14.9% respectively from last March (For February these numbers were up 18.2% and 16.6%).  While these are very good results for sellers, they make me a little nervous as rates of increase this high may result in lower affordability of homes and subsequently less sales in the future.

Active listings decreased by 74 homes to 1,740 homes.  This inventory is 8.0% lower than last year.  The current supply of homes is at 3.9 months (was 4.1 months for February)  This is 4.9% lower than last year.  The St Lucie County single family home market remains a strong sellers market.  A balanced market is one with a 6 to 7 month supply of inventory.

St Lucie County Single Family Homes March 2017 Market Detail

Click here to view or download the full report:
St Lucie County Single Family Homes March 2017 Market Detail

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit GabeSanders.com and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

St Lucie County Single Family Homes March 2017 Market Detail

Martin County Single Family Homes March 2017 Market Detail

Martin County Single Family Homes March 2017 Market Detail

The Martin County Single Family Homes Market Detail for March 2017 continues to show gains from last year though not quite as robust as last month’s gains.  Closed sales were up by 11.3% (was up by 17.8% in February). New pending sales decreased by 3.3% as compared to March of 2016 (Increased by 10.0% in February).

Prices continued to increase with the median sales price up by 8.7% from last year (up by 10.2% in February) while the average price increased by 8.0% (was up by 23.9% last month).

The inventory of available single family homes decreased from last month by 47 homes to 1,094 units for March,  this is 1.5% greater than last March.  Current supply of homes is 5.5 months, for March of last year it was a 5.2 months supply. (This is a 5.8% increase from last year).  Still a sellers market for Martin County single family home sales.  A balanced market favoring neither buyers or sellers is considered to be one with a 6 to 7 month supply of inventory.

Martin County Single Family Homes March 2017 Market Detail

Click here to view or download the full report:
Martin County Single Family Homes March 2017 Market Detail

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit GabeSanders.com and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

Martin County Single Family Homes March 2017 Market Detail

Florida Single Family Homes March 2017 Market Detail

Florida Single Family Homes March 2017 Market Detail

The Florida Single Family Homes Market Detail for March 2017 rebounded with increased activity from last March.  Closed sales were up by 9.3% (were down by 0.5% in February) and new sales under contract (new pending sales) were up by 3.6% (were down by 2.0% in February).

Both the median and average sales prices continued to rise from March 2016 to March 2017.  Up by 10.4% and 11.3% respectively, compared to February’s 12.5% and 9.5%.

The inventory of available homes for sale fell by 4.9% from last year.  For March there was a 4.1 months supply of inventory as Florida remains in a sellers market with the advantage for sellers. (March of 2016 had a 4.4 month supply)  A balanced market favoring neither buyers or sellers is considered to be one with a 6 to 7 month supply of inventory.  Inventory is once again decreasing which continues to put pressure on rising prices and sales.

Florida Single Family Homes March 2017 Market Detail

Click here to view or download the full report:

Florida Single Family Homes March 2017 Market Detail

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit GabeSanders.com and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

Florida Single Family Homes March 2017 Market Detail

St Lucie County Single Family Homes February 2017 Market Detail

St Lucie County Single Family Homes February 2017 Market Detail

St Lucie County Single Family Homes Market Detail for February 2017 showed improved sales activity for closed sales but weaker new pending sales year to year.  Closed sales were up by 5.1% (in January they were up by 8.1%) and new sales under contract (new pending sales) decreased by 0.5% (they were up by 8.1% last month).

Prices continued to show strong increases.  The median and average sales prices up by 18.2% and 16.6% respectively from last February (For January these numbers were up 8.9% and 16.1%).  While these are very good results for sellers, they make me a little nervous as rates of increase this high may result in lower affordability of homes and subsequently less sales in the future.

Active listings decreased by 30 homes to 1,814 homes.  This inventory is 0.8% lower than last year.  The current supply of homes is at 4.1 months (also was 4.1 months for February of 2016)  This is unchanged from last year.  The St Lucie County single family home market remains in a strong sellers market.  A balanced market is one with a 6 to 7 month supply of inventory.

St Lucie County Single Family Homes February 2017 Market Detail

Click here to view or download the full report:
St Lucie County Single Family Homes February 2017 Market Detail

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit GabeSanders.com and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

St Lucie County Single Family Homes February 2017 Market Detail

Martin County Single Family Homes February 2017 Market Detail

Martin County Single Family Homes February 2017 Market Detail

The Martin County Single Family Homes Market Detail for February 2017 regained momentum with a strong month.  Closed sales were up by 17.8% (was down by 24.0% in January). New pending sales decreased by 10.0% as compared to February of 2016 (Increased by 9.4% in January).

Prices continued to increase with the median sales price up by 10.2% from last year (up by 4.1% in January) while the average price increased by 23.9% (was down by 2.7% last month).

The inventory of available single family homes increased from last month by 10 homes to 1,141 units for February,  this is 7.8% greater than last February.  Current supply of homes is 5.8 months, for February of last year it was a 5.1 months supply. (This is a 13.7% increase from last year).  Drifting closer to a balanced market for Martin County single family home sales.  A balanced market favoring neither buyers or sellers is considered to be one with a 6 to 7 month supply of inventory.

Martin County Single Family Homes February 2017 Market Detail

Click here to view or download the full report:
Martin County Single Family Homes February 2017 Market Detail

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit GabeSanders.com and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

Martin County Single Family Homes February 2017 Market Detail

Florida Single Family Homes February 2017 Market Detail

Florida Single Family Homes February 2017 Market Detail

The Florida Single Family Homes Market Detail for February 2017 showed slightly weaker growth when compared to last year.  Closed sales were down by 0.5% (were up by 5.2% in January) and new sales under contract (new pending sales) were down by 2.0% (were up by 3.8% in January).

Both the median and average sales prices continued to rise from February 2016 to February 2017.  Up by 12.5% and 9.5% respectively, compared to January’s 10.1% and 4.0%.

The inventory of available homes for sale fell by 4.0% from last year.  For February there was a 4.2 months supply of inventory as Florida remains in a sellers market with the advantage for sellers. (February of 2016 had a 4.4 month supply)  A balanced market favoring neither buyers or sellers is considered to be one with a 6 to 7 month supply of inventory.  Inventory is once again decreasing which continues to put pressure on rising prices and sales.

Florida Single Family Homes February 2017 Market Detail

Click here to view or download the full report:

Florida Single Family Homes February 2017 Market Detail

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit GabeSanders.com and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

Florida Single Family Homes February 2017 Market Detail

St Lucie County Single Family Homes January 2017 Market Detail

St Lucie County Single Family Homes January 2017 Market Detail

St Lucie County Single Family Homes Market Detail for January 2017 showed improved sales activity with improved results year to year.  Closed sales were up by 8.1% (in December they were up by 8.9%) and new sales under contract (new pending sales) also increased by 8.1% (they were up by 4.8% last month).

Prices also continued their upward march.  The median and average sales prices up by 8.9% and 16.1% respectively from last January (For December these numbers were up 13.9% and 12.0%).  While these are very good results for sellers, they make me a little nervous as rates of increase this high may result in lower affordability of homes and subsequently less sales in the future.

Active listings decreased by 112 homes to 1,844 homes.  This inventory is 2.7% higher than last year.  The current supply of homes is at 4.1 months (4.0 months for January of 2016)  This is 2.5% greater than last year.  The St Lucie County single family home market remains in a strong sellers market.  A balanced market is one with a 6 to 7 month supply of inventory.

St Lucie County Single Family Homes January 2017 Market Detail

Click here to view or download the full report:
St Lucie County Single Family Homes January 2017 Market Detail

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit GabeSanders.com and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

St Lucie County Single Family Homes January 2017 Market Detail

Martin County Single Family Homes January 2017 Market Detail

Martin County Single Family Homes January 2017 Market Detail

The Martin County Single Family Homes Market Detail for January 2017 began the year with reduced sales volume from last year yet an increase in pending sales.  Closed sales were down by 24.0% (was up by 14.7% in December). New pending sales increased by 9.4% as compared to January of 2016 (Decreased by 21.6% in December).

Prices, however, increased with the median sales price up by 4.1% from last year (up by 11.6% in December) while the average price increased by 2.7% (was down by 9.3% last month).

The inventory of available single family homes increased from last month by 133 homes to 1,131 units for January,  this is 13.2% greater than last January.  Current supply of homes is 5.8 months, for January of last year it was a 4.8 months supply. (This is a 20.8% increase from last year).  Drifting close to a balanced market for Martin County single family home sales.  A balanced market favoring neither buyers or sellers is considered to be one with a 6 to 7 month supply of inventory.

Martin County Single Family Homes January 2017 Market Detail

Click here to view or download the full report:
Martin County Single Family Homes January 2017 Market Detail

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit GabeSanders.com and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

Martin County Single Family Homes January 2017 Market Detail

Florida Single Family Homes January 2017 Market Detail

Florida Single Family Homes January 2017 Market Detail

The Florida Single Family Homes Market Detail for January 2017 showed continued positive sales activity from last year, though at a reduced rate of growth.  Closed sales were up by 5.2% (was up by 0.8% in December) and new sales under contract (new pending sales) were up by 3.8% (was down by 1.1% in December).

Both the median and average sales prices continued to rise from January 2016 to January 2017.  Up by 10.1% and 4.0% respectively, compared to December’s 9.2% and 2.0%.

The inventory of available homes for sale fell by 0.7% from last year.  For January there was a 4.2 months supply of inventory as Florida remains in a sellers market with the advantage for sellers. (January of 2016 had a 4.3 month supply)  A balanced market favoring neither buyers or sellers is considered to be one with a 6 to 7 month supply of inventory.  Inventory is once again decreasing which continues to put pressure on rising prices and sales.

Florida Single Family Homes January 2017 Market Detail

Click here to view or download the full report:

Florida Single Family Homes January 2017 Market Detail

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit GabeSanders.com and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

Florida Single Family Homes January 2017 Market Detail

St Lucie County Single Family Homes December 2016 Market Detail

St Lucie County Single Family Homes December 2016 Market Detail

St Lucie County Single Family Homes Market Detail for December 2016 showed improved sales activity with improved results year to year as well as month to month.  Closed sales were up by 8.9% (in November they were up by 0%) and new sales under contract (new pending sales) increased by 4.8% (they were up by 3.3% last month).

Prices also continued their upward march.  The median and average sales prices up by 13.9% and 12.0% respectively from last December (For November these numbers were up 22.5% and 18.5%).  While these are very good results for sellers, they make me a little nervous as rates of increase this high may result in lower affordability of homes and subsequently less sales in the future.

Active listings decreased by 63 homes to 1,732 homes.  This inventory is 6.6% higher than last year.  The current supply of homes is at 3.9 months (3.6 months for December of 2015)  This is 8.3% greater than last year.  The St Lucie County single family home market remains in a very strong sellers market.  A balanced market is one with a 6 to 7 month supply of inventory.

St Lucie County Single Family Homes December 2016 Market Detail

Click here to view or download the full report:
St Lucie County Single Family Homes December 2016 Market Detail

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit GabeSanders.com and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

St Lucie County Single Family Homes December 2016 Market Detail

Martin County Single Family Homes December 2016 Market Detail

Martin County Single Family Homes December 2016 Market Detail

The Martin County Single Family Homes Market Detail for December 2016 showed mixed results for sales volume with an increase in closed sales but a decrease in pending sales.  Closed sales were up by 14.7% (was up by 0.6% in November). New pending sales decreased by 21.6% as compared to December of 2015 (Decreased by 4.1% in November).

And, there also was mixed signals for prices with the median sales price increasing by 11.6% from last year (down by 0.7% in November) while the average price decreased by 9.3% (was up by 17.2% last month).

The inventory of available single family homes decreased from last month by 39 homes to 998 units for December,  this is 7.4% greater than last December.  Current supply of homes is 5.0 months, for December of last year it was a 4.5 months supply. (This is a 11.1% increase from last year).  Still a sellers market for Martin County single family home sales.  A balanced market favoring neither buyers or sellers is considered to be one with a 6 to 7 month supply of inventory.

Martin County Single Family Homes December 2016 Market Detail

Click here to view or download the full report:
Martin County Single Family Homes December 2016 Market Detail

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit GabeSanders.com and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

Martin County Single Family Homes December 2016 Market Detail

Florida Single Family Homes December 2016 Market Detail

Florida Single Family Homes December 2016 Market Detail

The Florida Single Family Homes Market Detail for December 2016 showed continued strong sales activity from last year, though at a slower rate of growth.  Closed sales were up by 0.8% (was up by 12.8% in November) and new sales under contract (new pending sales) were down by 1.1% (was up by 8.3% in November).

Both the median and average sales prices continued to rise from December 2015 to December 2016.  Up by 9.2% and 2.0% respectively, compared to November’s 10% and 6.2%.

The inventory of available homes for sale fell by 2.9% from last year.  For December there was only a 3.9 months supply of inventory as Florida remains in a sellers market with the advantage for sellers. (December of 2015 had a 4.1 month supply)  A balanced market favoring neither buyers or sellers is considered to be one with a 6 to 7 month supply of inventory.  Inventory is once again decreasing which continues to put pressure on rising prices and sales.

Florida Single Family Homes December 2016 Market Detail

Click here to view or download the full report:

Florida Single Family Homes December 2016 Market Detail

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit GabeSanders.com and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

Florida Single Family Homes December 2016 Market Detail

St Lucie County Single Family Homes November 2016 Market Detail

St Lucie County Single Family Homes November 2016 Market Detail

St Lucie County Single Family Homes Market Detail for November 2016 showed improved sales activity from last year though at a reduced rate.  Closed sales were up by 0% (in October they were down by 24.5%) and new sales under contract (new pending sales) increased by 3.3% (they were down by 8.9% last month).

Prices, however, continue their upward march at strong rates.  The median and average sales prices up by 22.5% and 18.5% respectively from last November (For October these numbers were up 12.0% and 13.4%).  While these are very good results for sellers, they make me a little nervous as rates of increase this high may result in lower affordability of homes and subsequently less sales in the future.

Active listings increased by 110 homes to 1,795 homes.  This inventory is 9.3% higher than last year.  The current supply of homes is at 4.1 months (3.6 months for November of 2015)  This is 13.9% greater than last year.  The St Lucie County single family home market remains in a very strong sellers market.  A balanced market is one with a 6 to 7 month supply of inventory.

St Lucie County Single Family Homes November 2016 Market Detail

Click here to view or download the full report:
St Lucie County Single Family Homes November 2016 Market Detail

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit GabeSanders.com and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

St Lucie County Single Family Homes November 2016 Market Detail

Martin County Single Family Homes November 2016 Market Detail

Martin County Single Family Homes November 2016 Market Detail

The Martin County Single Family Homes Market Detail for November 2016 continues to show reduced sales volume when compared to last years figures.  But the market remains quite strong by historical standards.  Closed sales were up by 0.6% (was down by 10.7% in October). New pending sales decreased by 4.1% as compared to November of 2015 (Decreased by 0.6% in October).

For November there were mixed signals about prices with the median sales price decreasing by 0.7% from last year (up by 0.9% in October) while the average price increased by 17.2% (was down by 12.1% last month).

The inventory of available single family homes increased from last month by 33 homes to 1037 units for November,  this is 8.8% greater than last November.  Current supply of homes is 5.3 months, for November of last year it was a 4.5 months supply. (This is a 17.8% increase from last year).  Still a sellers market for Martin County single family home sales but inching closer to a balanced market.  A balanced market favoring neither buyers or sellers is considered to be one with a 6 to 7 month supply of inventory.

Martin County Single Family Homes November 2016 Market Detail

Click here to view or download the full report:
Martin County Single Family Homes November 2016 Market Detail

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit GabeSanders.com and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

Martin County Single Family Homes November 2016 Market Detail

Florida Single Family Homes November 2016 Market Detail

Florida Single Family Homes November 2016 Market Detail

The Florida Single Family Homes Market Detail for November 2016 showed unexpectedly strong sales activity from last year.  Closed sales were up by 12.8% (was down by 5.3% in October) and new sales under contract (new pending sales) were up by 8.3% (was down by 7.1% in October).

Both the median and average sales prices continued to rise from November 2015 to November 2016.  Up by 10% and 6.2% respectively, compared to October’s 11.7% and 6.4%.

The inventory of available homes for sale fell by 6.8% from last year.  For November there was only a 4.1 months supply of inventory as Florida remains in a sellers market with the advantage for sellers. (November of 2015 had a 4.4 month supply)  A balanced market favoring neither buyers or sellers is considered to be one with a 6 to 7 month supply of inventory.  Inventory is once again decreasing which continues to put pressure on rising prices and sales.

Florida Single Family Homes November 2016 Market Detail

Click here to view or download the full report:

Florida Single Family Homes November 2016 Market Detail

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit GabeSanders.com and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

Florida Single Family Homes November 2016 Market Detail

St Lucie County Single Family Homes October 2016 Market Detail

St Lucie County Single Family Homes October 2016 Market Detail

St Lucie County Single Family Homes Market Detail for October 2016 continues to have reduced sales activity from last year.  Closed sales were down by 24.5% (in September they were down by 6.6%) and new sales under contract (new pending sales) decreased by 8.9% (they were down by 11.5% last month).

Prices, however, continue their upward march at strong rates.  The median and average sales prices up by 12.0% and 13.4% respectively from last October (For September these numbers were up 10.0% and 10.6%).  While these are very good results for sellers, they make me a little nervous as rates of increase this high may result in lower affordability of homes and subsequently less sales in the future.

Active listings increased by 14 homes to 1,685 homes.  This inventory is 8.2% higher than last year.  The current supply of homes is at 3.8 months (3.4 months for October of 2015)  This is 11.8% greater than last year.  The St Lucie County single family home market remains in a very strong sellers market.  A balanced market is one with a 6 to 7 month supply of inventory.

St Lucie County Single Family Homes October 2016 Market Detail

Click here to view or download the full report:
St Lucie County Single Family Homes October 2016 Market Detail

To view the latest set of reports from Florida Realtors for the state of Florida, Martin County and Saint Lucie County, please visit GabeSanders.com and select Market Data.

Market information is courtesy of Florida Realtors Research. For additional information and historical archives please visit the Florida Realtors Research page.

St Lucie County Single Family Homes October 2016 Market Detail