Should I Stay or Should I Sell Now?

Should I Stay or Should I Sell Now?

should I sell

As the nation’s economy finally takes a turn for the better, home sales are also on the rise; with buyers in many areas clamoring to pay top prices for the homes of their dreams. It is indeed a buyer’s market, with house prices escalating and the demand for homes skyrocketing to levels unseen in recent years.

In this market, you may be experiencing a renewed interest in posting your home up for sale; casting your upscale, top notch residence out into the vast pool of potential buyers, to see if anyone bites—and buys.

Before you do so, however, you may wish to ask yourself these questions about your home; and, for that matter, about the real estate market in your community. These include:

1. Do you really want to sell your home? If you are still comfortable in your home and pleased with its condition and location, then you may just wish to stay put; delaying the complexities and difficulties involved in selling a home, buying a home, moving from one residence to another, etc.

2. Is the housing market in your area stable and successful? Although the housing market on the whole is on the rise at various points across the country, you may wish to check with local financial experts and journals to gauge the state and condition of the market in your area. Only once you are assured of a stable buyer’s market in your area should you seriously consider selling your home.

3. Have you researched your prospective sale? If you were to put your house on the market next week, for example, would you know the price and conditions under which you would like to sell the home? The decision to sell a home should not simply be a cash in on a trend; it should be a preconceived and well thought out plan that will benefit both you and your seller.

4. Is your home ready for resale? Is your house clean and in good condition, both from interior and exterior perspectives? Would you be comfortable presenting the house at a showing or open house? Of course the answer is probably yes; all the same, you may wish to assess your home’s overall salability before putting the residence up for sale.

5. Have you consulted a real estate agent? You just knew we’d say that, didn’t you? Seriously, though; a licensed real estate sales professional can answer all of your questions about the sale of your home—and also may be able to find you a buyer! (Always a bonus:)

If you’re in or around the Stuart Florida area, give me a call at (772) 323-6996 or visit my Stuart Florida real estate site.


About Gabe Sanders

Stuart Florida real estate agent

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