Search Results for: martin county quarter report

Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2024 2nd Quarter Report

Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2024 2nd Quarter Report

Click the image below to view the full details of the Martin County Townhouses and Condos Quarterly Report as reported by Florida Realtors.

Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2024 2nd Quarter Report
Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2024 2nd Quarter Report

For the Martin County townhouses and condos real estate market sales volume was down for the quarter. Prices decreased for this period while we had continued increasing inventory. Interest rates remain high for the time being but should start going down soon. I expect sales to remain somewhat sluggish for the short term. We remain in a balanced market for now. I suspect that we will soon be in a buyer’s market.

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Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2024 2nd Quarter Report

Martin County Single Family Homes 2024 2nd Quarter Report

Martin County Single Family Homes 2024 2nd Quarter Report

Click the image below to view the full details of the Martin County Single Family Homes quarterly data reported by Martin County Realtors.

Martin County Single Family Homes 2024 2nd Quarter Report
Martin County Single Family Homes 2024 2nd Quarter Report

The Martin County single-family home real estate market continued to show weaker sales activity when compared to last year. Prices were mixed for the quarter while the inventory continued to rise. Interest rates remain high, though they will soon start to come down. I expect sales to remain sluggish for the short term, though we remain in a seller’s market for Martin County single-family home sales.

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Martin County Single Family Homes 2024 2nd Quarter Report

Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2024 1st Quarter Report

Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2024 1st Quarter Report

Click the image below to view the full details of the Martin County Townhouses and Condos Quarterly Report as reported by Florida Realtors.

Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2024 1st Quarter Report
Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2024 1st Quarter Report

For the Martin County townhouses and condos real estate market sales numbers increased slightly. Prices and inventory both rose for this quarter. Interest rates remain high. So, I expect sales to remain somewhat sluggish, and we have entered into a balanced market. I suspect that we will soon be in a buyer’s market.

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Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2024 1st Quarter Report

Martin County Single Family Homes 2024 1st Quarter Report

Martin County Single Family Homes 2024 1st Quarter Report

Click the image below to view the full details of the Martin County Single Family Homes quarterly data reported by Martin County Realtors.

Martin County Single Family Homes 2024 1st Quarter Report
Martin County Single Family Homes 2024 1st Quarter Report

The Martin County single-family home real estate market showed slightly weaker sales activity when compared to last year. Prices and inventory both rose for this quarter. Interest rates remain high. So, I expect sales to remain somewhat sluggish, though we remain in a seller’s market for Martin County single-family home sales.

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Martin County Single Family Homes 2024 1st Quarter Report

Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2023 4th Quarter Report

Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2023 4th Quarter Report

Click the image below to view the full details of the Martin County Townhouses and Condos Quarterly Report as reported by Florida Realtors.

Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2023 4th Quarter Report
Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2023 4th Quarter Report

For the Martin County townhouses and condos real estate market there is a continued trend of reduced sales volume. Prices rose for this quarter, though at a much-reduced rate from previous reports. Inventory is continuing to increase but at a slower rate. Buyers are starting to re-enter the market as interest rates have started to decrease. I sense a turnaround in the market is imminent to where we enter a historically normal real estate market.

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Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2023 4th Quarter Report

Martin County Single Family Homes 2023 4th Quarter Report

Martin County Single Family Homes 2023 4th Quarter Report

Click the image below to view the full details of the Martin County Single Family Homes quarterly data reported by Martin County Realtors.

Martin County Single Family Homes 2023 4th Quarter Report
Martin County Single Family Homes 2023 4th Quarter Report

The Martin County single-family home real estate market showed improved sales activity along with moderating price increases. The inventory continues to grow and buyers seem to be returning to this segment of the Florida real estate market. I sense a turnaround in this market and that we are reentering into a historically normal real estate market.

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Martin County Single Family Homes 2023 4th Quarter Report

Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2023 3rd Quarter Report

Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2023 3rd Quarter Report

Click the image below to view the full details of the Martin County Townhouses and Condos Quarterly Report as reported by Florida Realtors.

Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2023 3rd Quarter Report
Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2023 3rd Quarter Report

For the Martin County townhouses and condos real estate market, a small blip of increased sales volume. Though, new pending sales are down, indicating that this trend will most likely be short-lived.  Prices were mixed when compared to this quarter last year.  Along with the rising interest rates, this is not a good sign for the future. I doubt that we will see any improvement in this market until rates begin to recede.

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Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2023 3rd Quarter Report

Martin County Single Family Homes 2023 3rd Quarter Report

Martin County Single Family Homes 2023 3rd Quarter Report

Click the image below to view the full details of the Martin County Single Family Homes quarterly data reported by Martin County Realtors.

Martin County Single Family Homes 2023 3rd Quarter Report

The Martin County single-family home real estate market is now showing weakness in the overall single-family home market. Prices were also slightly higher than last year. Inventory dropped for the first time in many months. However, sales remain quite active when compared to a normal market. The Martin County single-family real estate market remains in a strong seller’s market. I doubt that we will see any improvement in this market until rates begin to recede.

View the entire set of data at

Martin County Single Family Homes 2023 3rd Quarter Report

Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2023 2nd Quarter Report

Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2023 2nd Quarter Report

Click the image below to view the full details of the Martin County Townhouses and Condos Quarterly Report as reported by Florida Realtors.

Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2023 2nd Quarter Report
Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2023 2nd Quarter Report

For the Martin County townhouses and condos real estate market, a continued trend of reduced sales volume.  Prices were sharply higher than last year.  Along with the rising interest rates, this is not a good sign for the future. I doubt that we will see any improvement in this market until rates begin to recede.

View the entire set of data at

Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2023 2nd Quarter Report

Martin County Single Family Homes 2023 2nd Quarter Report

Martin County Single Family Homes 2023 2nd Quarter Report

Click the image below to view the full details of the Martin County Single Family Homes quarterly data reported by Martin County Realtors.

Martin County Single Family Homes 2023 2nd Quarter Report

The Martin County single-family home real estate market is bucking the state trend and had a small increase in closed sales as well as an increase in new pending sales. Prices were also slightly higher than last year. Inventory is also up, though the Martin County single-family real estate market remains in a strong seller’s market. I doubt that we will see any improvement in this market until rates begin to recede.

View the entire set of data at

Martin County Single Family Homes 2023 2nd Quarter Report

Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2023 1st Quarter Report

Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2023 1st Quarter Report

Click the image below to view the full details of the Martin County Townhouses and Condos Quarterly Report as reported by Florida Realtors.

Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2023 1st Quarter Report

For the Martin County townhouses and condos real estate market, a continued trend of reduced sales volume.  Prices were mixed for the quarter and the inventory is continuing to increase, but it is not bringing in more buyers to date.  Compared to the other areas I track; the Martin County single-family real estate market still outperforms most areas locally and nationwide. I doubt we will see any improvement until either interest rates or prices begin to go down—hopefully, both.

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Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2023 1st Quarter Report

Martin County Single Family Homes 2023 1st Quarter Report

Martin County Single Family Homes 2023 1st Quarter Report

Click the image below to view the full details of the Martin County Single Family Homes quarterly data reported by Martin County Realtors.

Martin County Single Family Homes 2023 1st Quarter Report

The Martin County single-family home real estate market continued the trend of reduced sales volume. Prices were mixed for the quarter and the inventory is continuing to increase, but it is not bringing in more buyers to date.  Compared to the other areas I track, the Martin County single-family real estate market still outperforms most areas locally and nationwide. I doubt we will see any improvement until either interest rates or prices begin to go down—hopefully, both.

View the entire set of data at

Martin County Single Family Homes 2023 1st Quarter Report

Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2022 4th Quarter Report

Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2022 4th Quarter Report

Click the image below to view the full details of the Martin County Townhouses and Condos Quarterly Report as reported by Florida Realtors.

Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2022 4th Quarter Report

For Martin County townhouses and condos, the market continued the trend of reduced sales volume. Prices, unfortunately still rose, but at a reduced rate from previous reports. Inventory is increasing drifting us closer to a balanced market, though we are not quite there yet (still a seller’s market). Interest rates rose this past quarter but now seem to be flattening out which should be good for the future. If we can get prices under control, 2023 may end up being a decent market.

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Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2022 4th Quarter Report

Martin County Single Family Homes 2022 4th Quarter Report

Martin County Single Family Homes 2022 4th Quarter Report

Click the image below to view the full details of the Martin County Single Family Homes quarterly data reported by Martin County Realtors.

Martin County Single Family Homes 2022 4th Quarter Report

The Martin County single-family home market continued the trend of reduced sales volume. Prices, unfortunately still rose, but at a reduced rate from previous reports. Inventory is increasing drifting us closer to a balanced market, though we are not quite there yet (still a seller’s market). Interest rates rose this past quarter but now seem to be flattening out which should be good for the future. If we can get prices under control, 2023 may end up being a decent market.

View the entire set of data at

Martin County Single Family Homes 2022 4th Quarter Report

Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2022 3rd Quarter Report

Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2022 3rd Quarter Report

Click the image below to view the full details of the Martin County Townhouses and Condos Quarterly Report as reported by Florida Realtors.

Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2022 3rd Quarter Report

For Martin County townhouses and condos the sales volume declined while prices rose in the 3rd quarter of 2022 when compared to the same period last year. The good news is that inventory is beginning to increase. The bad news is that it’s not enough yet and there are also higher prices and interest rates. This is causing a market that is in transition, though I think it will take some time and may be painful for both buyers and sellers of residential real estate before we see significant improvement.

View the entire set of data at

Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2022 3rd Quarter Report

Martin County Single Family Homes 2022 3rd Quarter Report

Martin County Single Family Homes 2022 3rd Quarter Report

Click the image below to view the full details of the Martin County Single Family Homes quarterly data as reported by Martin County Realtors.

Martin County Single Family Homes 2022 3rd Quarter Report

The Martin County single-family home market had weaker sales volume and higher prices when compared to the 3rd quarter of 2021. The good news is that inventory is beginning to increase. The bad news is that it’s not enough yet and there are also higher prices and interest rates. This is causing a market that is in transition, though I think it will take some time and may be painful for both buyers and sellers of residential real estate before we see significant improvement.

View the entire set of data at

Martin County Single Family Homes 2022 3rd Quarter Report

Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2022 2nd Quarter Report

Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2022 2nd Quarter Report

Click the image below to view the full details of the Martin County Townhouses and Condos Quarterly Report as reported by Florida Realtors.

Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2022 2nd Quarter Report

For Martin County townhouses and condos the sales volume declined while prices rose in the 2nd quarter of 2022 when compared to the same period last year. The good news is that inventory is beginning to increase. The bad news is that it’s not enough yet and there are also higher prices and interest rates. This is causing a market that is in transition, though I think it will take some time and may be painful for both buyers and sellers of residential real estate before we see significant improvement.

To view the full report, click on the image above or this link.

View the entire set of data at

Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2022 2nd Quarter Report

Martin County Single Family Homes 2022 2nd Quarter Report

Martin County Single Family Homes 2022 2nd Quarter Report

Click the image below to view the full details of the Martin County Single Family Homes quarterly data as reported by Martin County Realtors.

Martin County Single Family Homes 2022 2nd Quarter Report

The Martin County single-family home market had weaker sales volume and higher prices when compared to the 2nd quarter of 2021. The good news is that inventory is beginning to increase. The bad news is that it’s not enough yet and there are also higher prices and interest rates. This is causing a market that is in transition, though I think it will take some time and may be painful for both buyers and sellers of residential real estate before we see significant improvement.

To view the full report, click the image above or this link.

View the entire set of data at

Martin County Single Family Homes 2022 2nd Quarter Report

Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2022 1st Quarter Report

Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2022 1st Quarter Report

Click the image below to view the full details of the Martin County Townhouses and Condos Quarterly Report as reported by Florida Realtors.

Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2022 1st Quarter Report

For Martin County townhouses and condos the sales volume declined in the 1st quarter of 2022 when compared to the same period last year. This is mostly due to the unprecedented low inventory of available homes and to a lesser extent the rapidly rising prices and higher interest rates. For the near future, I don’t see the inventory rising by any significant amount. This should continue to depress real estate sales volume for a while.

To view the full report, click on the image above or this link.

View the entire set of data at

Martin County Townhouses and Condos 2022 1st Quarter Report

Martin County Single Family Homes 2022 1st Quarter Report

Martin County Single Family Homes 2022 1st Quarter Report

Click the image below to view the full details of the Martin County Single Family Homes quarterly data as reported by Martin County Realtors.

Martin County Single Family Homes 2022 1st Quarter Report

The Martin County single-family home market had weaker sales volume when compared to the 1st quarter of 2021.   This is mostly due to the unprecedented low inventory of available homes and to a lesser extent the rapidly rising prices and higher interest rates. For the near future, I don’t see the inventory rising by any significant amount. This should continue to depress real estate sales volume in the near future.

To view the full report, click the image above or this link.

View the entire set of data at

Martin County Single Family Homes 2022 1st Quarter Report