Jensen Park Estates January 2018 Market Report
Currently, there are 23 homes available for sale in the Jensen Park Estates community of Jensen Beach FL. These homes are listed for prices of $275,000 and $309,888. The average list price is $292,444 and this equals $173.90 per sq. ft. of living area.
There are no homes under contract and awaiting closing.
In the past 12 months, 21 Jensen Park Estates homes have sold. Sales prices ranged from a low 0f $219,500 up to $370,000 for an average sales price of $294,186 which equals $165.56 per sq. ft. of living area. These sales averaged 98% of the last list price and averaged 44 days on market before going under contract.
About Jensen Park Estates in Jensen Beach FL:
Jensen Park Estates is a non-gated community located just west of Savannah Rd in the heart of Jensen Beach. There are 381 home sites in this community, most of which have been built upon. Homes were built from 1980 to the latest one which was completed in 2010.
There’s a wide range of sizes and shapes of homes ranging from 6 bedroom homes with over 3,100 sq. ft. of living area down to more modest 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom homes with just under 1,100 sq. ft. There are both frame and concrete block construction as well as homes with and without private pools.
Some homes have large lots of over ½ acre while others are fairly modest lots with just over .12 acres. Homeowner fees are a very reasonable $150 per year.
Neighborhood children attend the Jensen Beach Elementary School which is just a little over ½ mile away, Stuart Middle School and the Jensen Beach High School.
Very close to shopping areas of US-1 as well as close to the Intracoastal (the Indian River) with its boat ramps, public beaches on Hutchinson Island, Indian Riverside Park, and much more.
Jensen Park Estates is an excellent option for both families and retirees looking for affordable homes in the heart of Jensen Beach.
Search here for available Jensen Beach Estates Homes for Sale
Jensen Park Estates January 2018 Market Report